Thursday, February 26, 2015

el 26 / 27 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

1) Vocabulary list for Unit 6 checked
2) Preguntas del día
3) Actividades de vocabulario
4) Apuntes: El pretérito (notes are on Moodle)
5) Práctica

Moodle 2

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

el 20 / 23 de febrero

Today students were called back to do the interpersonal task while the rest of the class devoted time to working on their presentational task, which is due February 24 (A) / February 25 (B).

Presentational task

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

el 18 / 19 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

2) Práctica Interpersonal
3) Esoja la obra para el examan: Presentational

-Prepare for the Interpersonal (find a partner and practice!)

Monday, February 16, 2015

el 16 / 17 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

1) Preguntas del día
2) Repaso: Saber/Conocer (G. p. 3)
3) Prueba: Saber / Conocer
4) Explicación: Interpersonal
5) Repaso de los artistas/Práctica de escuchar
6) Explicación: Presentational task


-Estudia para la prueba de arte (You will need to know the differences and similarities between the two museums we have studied, information about this 6 artists, and be able to identify artists by looking at the paintings and identify paintings based on their descriptions (listening).

-Moodle 6 - great practice for the quiz

Turn in: ART WORK (worth 10 points) with word bank

PICK UP (if you were absent):
-Interpersonal task rubric
-Presentational task rubric

Thursday, February 12, 2015

el 12/13 de febrero

1) Preguntas del día
2) Apuntes: Picasso (Notes on Moodle)
3) Repaso - Adjetivos demostrativos
4) PRUEBA - adjetivos demostrativos y vocabulario
5) Repaso: Saber y conocer

-Moodle 5
-Interpretive sheet: creating an original work of art: *Pick this sheet up from me if you are absent!
1) Create an original drawing based on one of the two artists that are at the top of your sheet. YOU SHOULD NOT COPY A PAINTING BY THE ARTIST, but create your own using a style that he used.
2) You must also create a list of NEW vocabulary words that students may need in order describe and critique your work of art. You should list at least 4-5 new words (put both Spanish and English). A great resource is

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

el 10/11 de febrero

1) Preguntas del día
2) Repaso de los adjetivos demostrativos
3) Repaso de la gramática de Unidad 5
4) Apuntes: Saber/Conocer
5) Apuntes: Goya


-Moodle 4
-Prueba: Demonstrative adjectives and vocabulary (Identifying parts of a painting)

Friday, February 6, 2015

el 6 / 9 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

1) Preguntas del día
2) Repaso de los verbos como gustar / Repaso de Moodle 2
3) Apuntes: Adjetivos demostrativos (Gramática p. U.5.1 - Notes on Moodle!)
4) ¡Cabezas Arriba!
5) Repaso de vocabulario
6) Apuntes: Miró (Notes are on Moodle! AC p. 8)
7) Describe la obra de Miró

1) Moodle 3
2) Moodle 2 re-attempt - if you did not attempt or have success with numbers 11-17 on Moodle 2 you will have to re-attempt the homework to get a 1/2.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

el 4/5 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

1) Preguntas del día
2) Repaso: El Greco / Dalí
3) Apuntes: Diego Velázquez (AC p. 7 - notes are on Moodle!!)
4) Describe el arte de Velázquez
5) Apuntes: Verbos como gustar

1) Moodle 2 (Do the top part! If you already completed Moodle with a 60% or higher you will need to complete it AGAIN after we have gone through the notes in class.)

***Extra Credit opportunity! Be sure to pick this up from me if you are absent!

Monday, February 2, 2015

el 2/3 de febrero

Hoy en clase:

1) Preguntas del día
2) Repaso de vocabulario
3) Escuche y dibuje
4) ¿Cómo describes el arte?
5) Apuntes: Dalí (AC p. 6 - notes on Moodle!)
6) Repaso de los museos
7) Apuntes: Verbos como gustar (Gr. p. 4-5 - notes on Moodle!)


1) Moodle 2
(1A hour: #18, #19, #20
4A - all, 4B - all)