Thursday, October 31, 2013

el 31 de octubre/ el 1 de noviembre

Today we learned a lot about Spain!

1) We took notes on Spain (AC p. 4 - Notes on Moodle!)

2) We watched a video on Spain - (Video guide on AC p. 5)

3) We took notes on the train in Spain (AC p. 1 - Notes on Moodle!)

Be sure to do the map check...see Sra. A about this!


Moodle 1

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

el 29/30 de octubre

Today students wrote a postcard for their Unit 2 Presentational task. After the postcard they worked on pages 30-31 of the new U3 Actividades y Cultura packet (pick up from me if you were absent!). A couple of maps are linked to Moodle. Also, fill out the vocabulary list for Unit 3.

Tarea -
Map pages 30/31 of new AC packet
U3 Lista de vocabulario (or print out list and make flashcards)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

el 24/28 de octubre

Today after Preguntas del Día we did a brief practice for the Present Progressive quiz. Students then took the short quiz.

We reviewed the six sites we studied this unit by identifying them with pictures.

Students then took the Interpretive Task (Forma Migratoria and identifying the sites through

Finally, we discussed briefly what students will be expected to do on the upcoming presentational task. They should write a postcard on page 28 of the Actividades y Cultura packet to practice for this task. The guidelines for the writing practice are:
1. What are you doing today in Madrid? (Use pres. prog.)
2. What are you going to do tomorrow? (Use ir a + inf.)
3. What do you have to do in order to see/visit those places? (Use tener que + infinitive)
*Be sure to include LOTS of culture in your postcard!

Tarea: Review the six sites (your notes or through PPTs on Moodle) and write the practice postcard on AC p. 28.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

el 22/23 de octubre

Today we worked on two quick practices getting ready for the assessments next class. Students worked on a partner activity using the present progressive (quiz next class on formation!) and then individually they filled out another immigration form (forma migratoria) to get ready for the Interpretive Task.

Before we took notes on the final site we learning about this unit, el Palacio Real (AC p. 6, notes are on Moodle) we reviewed the other five sites by matching a description to the name.

We spent a lot of time writing complex sentences in Spanish and reviewing the sites of Madrid that we have studied. Students worked in small groups and prepared a sentence that included a specific grammar concept and culture based on a picture they were shown in class. The complexity and depth of the sentences improved immensely during the activity!

Finally, we took a look at the second part of the Interpretive Task, which will be to figure out what place in Madrid is being reviewed taken directly from in Spanish. (AC p. 11)

Tarea: Moodle 7
Prueba: Presente del Progresivo
Exmane: Interpretativo (Immigration form and descriptions of the sites)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

el 16/21 de octubre

Today we practiced for the vocabulary quiz with the activity Pégalo.

We reviewed the new tense we are learning, el presente del progresivo, by watching a view review video and then using the tableros to do some writing.

After this students took the vocabulary quiz.

We looked at a Tarjeta de Embarque and answered questions about the information found on it (AC p. 15). We then filled out an immigration form to Central America (AC p. 16).

We took notes on the Fuente Cibeles. (AC p. 6 - Notes on Moodle!)

Then we took notes on Tener QUE + infinitivo and Ir A + infinitivo (G. U2 p.7-8, Notes on Moodle.)

Moodle 6

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

El 15/16 de octubre

Today we did a quick practice activity before taking the quiz on yo go/irregular verbs. 

After the quiz we read tweets that used the present progressive tense in context. Students circled the words that end in -ndo then tried to deduce the rules in forming the tense. We then took notes on page 5 of the Gramática packet. (Notes are on Moodle)

We did a quick practice activity of the present progressive tense. 

We then took notes on the Puerta del Sol (Actividades y Cultura p.5, notes are on Moodle.)

We looked at reviews if the 6 sites and identified verbs from these reviews to help us identify more activities that we can do at each if the places.

Moodle 5
Quiz on vocabulary next class

Friday, October 11, 2013

el 11/14 de octubre

Today we practice vocabulary with a Vocube and partner activity called "It's ridiculous!"

We then practiced with yo-go conjugations with a sheet, formatted in a similar style as the quiz we will take on Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.

We did a simulation/role-playing activity of taking an international trip. Then students put sentences in order demonstrating the steps of an international trip.

Finally, we took notes on Parque del Retiro (notes on Moodle).


Moodle 4

Prueba de verbos irregulares and verbos de yo go

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

el 9/10 de octubre

Today we took notes on Yo Go verbs (U2 pages 3 and 4 of Gramática packet, notes on Moodle!). We practiced with yo go/irregular yo form of verbs with a song and several activities including "puntos" and a partner activity.

We took notes on the Museo del Prado (notes on Moodle).

Moodle 3

The quiz on YO GO and IRREGULAR verbs has been postponed to Tuesday, Oct. 15 (A day)/Wednesday October 16 (B day).

Monday, October 7, 2013

el 7/8 de octubre

Today we made passports in preparation for our interpretive task for this unit (fill out an immigration form.)

We talked about the steps for taking an international trip through an airport and used our new vocabulary to sequence these events both in a listening activity and a reading activity.

We took notes on La Plaza Mayor - the first set of notes in a series of 6. The Power Point can be found on Moodle.  These notes MUST be taken in preparation for our presentational task and the information will be found on our semester exam on January. It is NOT enough to copy another student's notes, it is important to see the pictures on the Power Point as well.

Finally, we started notes on irregular verbs and yo-go verbs. This song could help memorize the yo form of these verbs!

Tarea: Moodle 1 - Have those vocabulary packets and Grammar packets open to help you!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

el 3/4 de octubre

Today we had a quick introduction to Madrid with a short video showing us some of the sites we will be studying this unit.

We talked about applying for passports and went over the passport applications students filled out for homework today.

Students then played Piccionario to acquaint themselves with the new vocabulary for this unit.

Moodle 1

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

el 1/2 de octubre

Today we practiced for the interpersonal task one final time before students set out to write their letters to Jaime.

As students wrote their letters they were called back in groups of three to have a conversation about a class they have in common and go into great detail about the class.

1) Fill out pages 1 and 2 of NEW Actividades y Cultura packet (pick up from me if you are absent!)
2) Fill out Unidad 2 vocabulary list (found on Moodle under Unidad 2: El aeropuerto).  You can find the list after Unidad 1's list in the Vocabuario packet.